Dear Garth,
I am a newbie using XenoDream 2.6 running under Windows 7 Pro (64-bit) and slowly working through the “Using XenoDream 2.6” manual.
The manual describes Rendering and Lighting on pages 14-15.
After I start rendering -which takes a very long time- what steps do I follow to save the .xpe file AS IS and, then, continue the rendering at a later time?
Thank you!
Doctor T
I am a newbie using XenoDream 2.6 running under Windows 7 Pro (64-bit) and slowly working through the “Using XenoDream 2.6” manual.
The manual describes Rendering and Lighting on pages 14-15.
After I start rendering -which takes a very long time- what steps do I follow to save the .xpe file AS IS and, then, continue the rendering at a later time?
Thank you!
Doctor T