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International Fractal Art Symposium 2014 - Printable Version

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International Fractal Art Symposium 2014 - joefraq - 07-31-2013

A fractal artist meeting has been planned for June of 2014 to be held in San Sebastian, Spain and you are invited!

During this 3 day event, there will be a day of lectures and I will be doing a live presentation on XenoDream sharing tips and trick on managing the user interface and exploring different approaches to creating art with this wonderful program.

For more detail, please visit www.MathArtistry.com and don't miss your chance to register.

(questions and comments are welcome)

Joseph Presley

RE: International Fractal Art Symposium 2014 - joefraq - 08-08-2013

The participation list is growing! I'm hoping to see some XenoDreamers at the event. If there is anyone here who wants to sign up, don't miss your opportunity.

RE: International Fractal Art Symposium 2014 - joefraq - 11-25-2013

The symposium is only 6 months away!
The registration deadline is 05/01/14.

RE: International Fractal Art Symposium 2014 - joefraq - 04-08-2014

Registration for this event closes in less than 1 month. If you are making last minute plans to join us, now is the time to complete the registration process and submit your booking data. For more info go to: www.MathArtistry.com


Joseph Presley