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Jux Memory dots? - Printable Version

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Jux Memory dots? - Sir10Tea - 03-20-2018

I'm going to ask a baby question. What is the function and effect of the memory dots, buttons or spots in the Jux fractal program?

RE: Jux Memory dots? - Garth Thornton - 03-20-2018

They allow temporary storage of some parameters (until you close Jux). This is mostly for storing promising settings without interrupting the flow of work, and either returning to them later, or in the case of color or lighting, quickly comparing different settings to choose which one works best. The Materials spots can also be used for copying between material slots. In the Formulas panel, the main set stores all the formula page parameters, while the second set only stores C values and can be directly stored with the K key while exploring a fractal. Generally, clicking an empty spot saves to it and clicking a full spot restores from it.

RE: Jux Memory dots? - Sir10Tea - 03-20-2018

(03-20-2018, 08:18 AM)Garth Thornton Wrote: They allow temporary storage of some parameters (until you close Jux). This is mostly for storing promising settings without interrupting the flow of work, and either returning to them later, or in the case of color or lighting, quickly comparing different settings to choose which one works best. The Materials spots can also be used for copying between material slots. In the Formulas panel, the main set stores all the formula page parameters, while the second set only stores C values and can be directly stored with the K key while exploring a fractal. Generally, clicking an empty spot saves to it and clicking a full spot restores from it.

How does one know which spots, say on the formulas tab store which parameters? Does one click them all for saving the entire set of parameters? How also does one go about applying those specific spots to begin another fractal project?

I know it's probably too many questions in one paragraph.

RE: Jux Memory dots? - Garth Thornton - 03-20-2018

Each spot stores all the parameters of the kind, so for example you can store 20 complete formula settings. They can be in the same formula or different formulas. When you restore a formula spot, all the parameters in the Formula page are updated. Similarly for the coloring: all the parameters are included in each spot, even those in regions not used by a particular fractal. (For Coloring, the set of spots on the left are default sets, ie always full, and the set on the right is for temporary storage/recall.)