09-11-2014, 03:47 AM
09-11-2014, 09:52 AM
I did make some minor adjustments to the shape: moved the spiral center forward slightly, and reduced scales of the sphere to balance holon densities so the iterators fill in faster. This example shows why it's hard to get good HS coloring with any constructors. With constructors I prefer to let the main iterator inherit color, so I did that and tried various custom gradients for the other two holons. The coloring iterates consistently but you don't get much control. (Also used my lighting with a little DOF effect.)
For comparison, here's metamorph coloring, which I prefer when any constructors are used. Again the main iterator inherits color, and also inherits all for the style, and has some iteration shift to vary the gradient each iteration. The constructor gets smooth coloring, and the other iterator uses its Auger metamorph for the color pattern.
For comparison, here's metamorph coloring, which I prefer when any constructors are used. Again the main iterator inherits color, and also inherits all for the style, and has some iteration shift to vary the gradient each iteration. The constructor gets smooth coloring, and the other iterator uses its Auger metamorph for the color pattern.
09-12-2014, 05:53 AM
Here's my sample with a unknown colored background:
09-13-2014, 05:17 AM
Here the depht map sample: