Suggestions and feedback
- Jux Animation? (5 Replies)
- symmetry converter (1 Reply)
- starting up (5 Replies)
- Variable memory settings for Jux? (3 Replies)
- Jux 2.0, Orbit Trap (2 Replies)
- Jux & Xenodream: Import of other Gradient-Prestes then .ugr (11 Replies)
- I would love .... (1 Reply)
- Jux: Stop-Button in Main Window (4 Replies)
- Backwards compatibility (2 Replies)
- Randomize Buttons for a future Version of Jux (2 Replies)
- Drag and Drop (5 Replies)
- Undo Lighting and Autosave Render (1 Reply)
- Camera Export (2 Replies)